Well, it seems like there is some confusion over the Geography Cards on CC Connected. I post my Geo cards here because not everyone pays for a subscription to CC Connected. And that's fine. Geographical locations aren't copyrighted, so since CC doesn't own the information on the cards, I feel like they should be available to everyone.
Last time we went through Cycle 1, I wasn't even a part of Classical Conversations yet. My son and I started 2 years ago, for Cycle 2. There were some awesome mamas who made Geography cards and posted them on CC Connected back then. I know there have been some users who have downloaded my cards for weeks 1-12 and then downloaded the cards from 2012 thinking they were mine. I don't mind this of course, but I'm concerned because I didn't make them and I don't know if they reflect the current information in the 4th edition of the Foundations Guide. Of course, you're certainly welcome to download whatever you like! ;) Just be aware that they are older and please do double check to make sure the information is correct.
I will be working on a set for weeks 13-24 over the winter break and I'll make sure they're current. :) Thanks so much for the awesome response from everyone and I hope this clears things up.